capriccio. a new modern classic.
by clé tile | published: Dec 06, 2021

what’s in the making of a modern classic?
at clé, we have some strong ideas about this. it needs to be grounded in history. it needs freshness and modernity. and it needs to be rooted in craftsmanship. and it will gently — but insistently — define its environment. that’s what makes it a classic.
fusing past, present, and future, we think that capriccio, from the fornace brioni + cristina celestino scenografica collection, fits the bill perfectly. architect and designer cristina celestino has created a design that’s strikingly modern, while rooted in the tradition, terroir, and soul of italy.
celestino is known for the way in which she fuses italian modernist design with historical allusions with authentic materials, and capriccio is no exception.
capriccio — as is all of the scenografica collection — is inspired by the baroque art of set design and trompe l’oeil. in particular, it draws inspiration from the work of the famed galli da bibiena family of set designers, painters and architects who were active in the lower po valley area (where fornace brioni operates). the family specialized in the art of illusion, which in the baroque era was the key to the theatrical experience: where artifice and art came together on stage to provoke awe and wonder in the audience.
how fitting, then, that it’s another family — the brionis of fornace brioni, the third generation tile making family — are the ones to bring celestino’s capriccio design to life in italian cotto (terracotta) using local clay and traditional skills.
celestino’s thoroughly-of-the-moment interlocking pattern is made up of traditional cotto shapes: “hearts,” rounded listellos, bouchons, and small and large crosses. it’s grounded in a winning blend of cotto rosato, cotto bianco, cotto moka, and fornace brioni’s signature cotto variegato that evokes the timeless feel of sunbaked ancient streets, bringing the bold design — literally — down to earth.
each bundle contains 70 (20 hearts, 20 rounded listellos, 10 bouchons, 10 small crosses, and 10 large crosses) pieces and covers 22 square feet.
capriccio means “whim” or “trick” in italian and the name is certainly apt: capriccio reads subtly bold. or boldly subtle. it’s playful, very sophisticated, and unforgettable. tradition. modernity. timelessness. freshness. as we said, it’s the new modern classic.
capriccio, and the fornace brioni + celestino collection are exclusive to clé in the united states. please note that other colorways are available as part of our fornace brioni made to order program.